Monday 18 July 2011

West Wales

Daisy made a little vow to herself.  No more holidays in West Wales in a caravan after this.  She didn't care what it cost, but next summer they're going to Spain.

National Rail

Driver Dan thinks this railroad track was built by a bunch of monkeys.

Friday 1 July 2011

Reading Above Her Age Level

Baby was sat up late at night after reading We Need To Talk About Kevin, contemplating nature versus nurture.  Did she really have free will at all, or was it all genetically pre-determined for her?

Baby knows Mommy wants her to "play the drums" for the video camera, but it all seems so ... futile.

Film Festival

Daisy didn't know where Farmer Ted was taking her, but they left the farm 20 minutes ago and she didn't think they were going to the Kevin Costner Film Festival in Titusville.

Parental Acceptance

Walking around with a bunch of produce on your head is no way to go through life, son.  Now get inside and change, we have a 6:30 reservation at Olive Garden.

Sunday 26 June 2011

Field of Dreams

Ever since the cows rented Field of Dreams for Wednesday Movie Night, they had been filled with an uneasy longing.  Sometimes as the long summer afternoons waned, the cows would gather at the fence and just ... look out.

Saturday 25 June 2011

The Hidden Face of Mental Health Problems

It's 3 am.  Macca Pacca knows deep down, maybe he has a problem.  But if he can just get the stones clean, just... get... them... clean.

Macca Pacca lies awake through the night.  Is he sure he cleaned the sink?  Really cleaned the sink?

Family Life

The kitchen was a mess, the cakes were burning, and the baby was crying.  But Dolly had taken 3 valium and drank a coffee mug full of cooking sherry and didn't give a crap.


Sometimes you want to go where everybody knows you name, and they're always glad you came. You wanna be where you can see people are all the same. You wanna go where everybody knows your name.

Animal Life

 In the wild, bears will turn on the weak and injured.

 Farmer Ted will never forget his luck the day he went past The Night Garden. He's pretty sure the HaaHoos will fetch a nice price at auction.

Four legs good. Two legs bad.

Existential Crisis

Late at night, at another run-down B&B, Mr. Tumbles stared out the window and wondered if maybe it as time to give up on stand-up comedy and take that job with his cousin as an Account Manager. It's lonely on the road.

Mr. Tumbles wondered if maybe he should give up trying to break into stand-up. It was tough out on the comedy circuit, so tough.

Love and Marriage

De Li's life has changed a lot since she left Waybuloo and moved to the suburbs with Iggle Piggle and Iggle Piggle junior. She loves her new family.  Still, it's hard being a step-mom.

 Iggle Piggle lives a life of quiet desperation.

 Iggle called Daisy and left a message.   "Take the last train to Clarkesville, I'll meet you at the station.  Be there by 4.30, I've made your reservation."  But it was 4.57, the train was pulling in, and Iggle was starting to realise Daisy wasn't coming.